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Simple Joys

I drove back from Hampton Court Flower show yesterday and was lucky enough to listen to a program on Radio 4 called The Pleasures of Brecht. I’m no reader of poetry and had never heard of him before. The show was a celebration of the simple joys in life, and the story of Brecht’s much-loved poem that described them.

It was an incredible thirty minutes, and as the program finished, and I drove north, my mind began to explore the things in my life that bring me joy and happiness.  Today I would like you to do the same.

Too often, we dwell on the negative in our lives. We feel the pressure, the pain and the hurt. We feel lonely, unappreciated and unloved. But today is going to be different.

Today we are going to think about the things that bring us joy, the things that make us smile, the things we cherish and love. Through doing this, I believe that we can connect with the person we are deep inside. The person who doesn’t care what other people think or say. The person who isn’t scared to experience life in all its glory. The person we dream of being.

Today, I challenge you to write down ten simple things that bring you joy and happiness. I have included mine below. I hope you will spend five minutes doing the same. If you are feeling brave then do, please post yours as a comment below, but at the very least write them down.

This exercise is about recognising and then celebrating the small things around you that bring you joy. In doing so, I promise, you will feel a warm glow of appreciation for your precious life.  Hold onto this feeling for the rest of the day. It is your shield and armour against the negative world around you.

My list…

Sitting in the caravan at dawn, watching the sun light up our beautiful countryside. Cresting a hill on my bike, my legs pounding, my lungs gasping for air. Walking in the mountains, tasting the clean air. Camping alone under the moonlight.

Writing a blog post about something important. Meeting a customer who loves the products we make. The smile of a beautiful woman. Laughing with my family and friends.

Remembering my mother and her crazy ways. Daydreaming about the future. The taste of Parma ham or salted caramel ice cream.

Sharing my day with Justina. Walking though the beautiful gardens of a stately home. Watching an entire boxset in one sitting. The sound of my Nespresso machine as it makes my double expresso.

Your turn!

Hi, I'm Luke Bream, the author of this blog, and one of the co-founders of Valentte. Thanks for taking the time to read about our journey.

We are small business based in Nantwich on an old dairy farm. We make affordable, luxurious home fragrance and natural skincare. It smells amazing, works like a treat and comes beautifully wrapped.

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Choosing the perfect present can be hard, but it doesn’t have to break the bank!

Valentte make affordable, luxurious home fragrance and natural skincare. It smells amazing, works like a treat and comes beautifully wrapped.

9 thoughts on “Simple Joys”

  1. Luke Thank you! So good to be reminded of the positives and ‘to count our blessings’. Hope you had a good show too!

  2. My “ joy “ list
    . True friendships which have endured for decades: the first flowers of Spring appearing in my garden – crocus, snowdrops and narcissi: Exploring new places and experiences: good food and company : quiet reflection at home : a good book : “ my “ art I.e French Impressionists and early Cornish ( st Ives and newlyn school) : music : happy memories of people no longer here : travel ……. and of course an 11 th of Valentte products with their joyous fragrances and ingredients.

  3. Walking in a beach with the waves crashing
    Smelling the woods after rain
    Watching the sunset
    Taking a warm shower on a cold day
    Laughing out loud
    Listening to the birdsong
    Coffee and a piece of carrot cake
    Having my feet touched
    Being with like minded friends

  4. Waking up on a sunny morning ☀
    Listening to the birds singing ?
    Watching the wood pigeons wooing and cooing ?
    Dishing up a home-cooked meal for family and friends ?
    Having a cuppa and a catch up with a friend after work ?
    Giving birthday presents to people I love ?
    The smell of a garden after the rain ☔
    Receiving a text from someone I love ?
    Celebrating a birthday ?
    Singing everywhere ?

  5. Thank you Luke..for sharing your positive inspirations and I totally agree that sometimes we may feel the pressures of life weighing us down but we can ease that by freeing our minds to focus on the simple things that make us smile&feel gratefull..for me I’m gratefull to be alive after all the hurt,sadness&hardships i’ve been through in life but I’m determined to be stronger than everything&everyone that broke me as i was not created to suffer.
    I’m very gratefull to and for my two best friend’s,my pets&my inner strength that kept me going even when I wanted to give up.
    Little moments like watching the sunrise. ..hearing the bird’s my favori te meal whilst listening to&singing along to music is actually things I’m thankfull for as there were times in the past when I was unable to do those simple things.Doing one act of kindness a day is my way..even if its just to give someone a compliment to brighten their mood..lending a listening ear instead of talking about me,myself&i.. revive a dying plant..feed a hungry animal or giving something I have to much of to someone who has nothing.
    Chocolate, gardening,undisturbed sleep,watching movies,trying new recipes to share,writing poetry,short stories&inte rior designs are all up there with the things I embrace and I’m thankfull for as it brings me calming joy even though so simple.

  6. Wow love that blog!

    1. My Family grandchildren’s smile
    3. There innocents to this crazy mad world
    4. The smell of Lavender in my garden
    5. Freshly brewed coffee
    6. My beautiful friends
    7. Making someone smile
    8. Walking in the woods
    9. Sunshine
    10. Lying in bed listening to the rain

  7. Dear Luke,
    Thank you for giving me the opportunity of sharing all my simple Joys with everyone.
    A morning walk or run along my nearby beach, followed by a swim
    Performing music in front of an audience
    Introducing my 3 grandsons to the wonder of the outdoors.
    Ballroom dancing with my partner Jeff
    Teaching my yoga class
    Performing music with my talented son and daughter.
    Bird watching
    Playing articulate with the family
    Organising concerts and events
    Tending our fabulous allotment and garden
    Kayaking with friends and family
    Playing all my instruments
    Dressing up in fancy dress
    Playing flute duets with my 92 year old student Norman
    And many many more….I’m so lucky x

  8. Just wanted to say that I love your posts. My best friend is very ill with terminal cancer and I am finding it hard as I am very involved in helping her through this awful journey. The best way I can put it is that your posts help to soothe me and to see a way through. I often tell her about them.
    All the best to you Luke.


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