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Good Enough

I’m back in Nantwich for a couple of days before heading off to the Ideal Home Show – Scotland. It’s the first time in three weeks, and I’m looking forward to seeing my team and hearing how they have been getting on. Fingers crossed everything has been running smoothly!

One advantage of spending so much time away is that it fosters independence amongst each member of staff. I’m not the kind of manager who is looking over their shoulders the whole time. I trust them to be self-motivated and have been very lucky that they have all responded so well to that kind of environment.

Driving back from Devon, I was talking with Justina, and we were discussing our ethos on getting work done. Both of us are perfectionists, which frequently causes problems in our working relationship and often stands in the way of getting the job done. Do you recognise this problem and share the personality trait?

When we are obsessive about something being “perfect” it is hard to let go and launch. Often this obsessiveness is a mask for our biggest fear that the thing we are working on won’t be a success. We keep tinkering and changing it in the mistaken belief that just one more update will ensure success.

Perfectionism is a hard pattern to break. Over the years, Justina and I have both learnt that it is more important to get something finished and launched than it is for it to be 100% perfect. Nothing is ever totally perfect; learning to live with this concept was a crucial breakthrough in our thinking. Now we focus on launching fast and failing early, preferably before we have wasted too much money.

When we have an idea, we launch as quickly as possible with the best implementation we can manage in the time. Then we gather feedback, does the product sell, asking customers, colleagues and suppliers how we could improve. Then if it looks like a “goer”, we begin working on version two.

The changes we make for versions two are now driven by real feedback rather than our fears and imaginations before launch. It’s a simple model but has served us well over the last few years.

If you are working on your own project, the best advice I can give you is to launch immediately. Not next week or next month, but right now. Accept the project as it is now, of course, it could always be better, but that’s life. Stop tinkering, put your fears aside, be brave and launch today. Learn to see and understand when something is “good enough”.

It’s a trap to believe that “launch conditions” tomorrow will be better than today, to think that your opportunity or your product will improve. Life isn’t like that. The key to getting things done and living the life you have always dreamed of is taking action right now. As is so often quoted, you must, feel the fear and do it anyway!

Remember, we climb the mountain, not in giant leaps but one small step at a time.

Hi, I'm Luke Bream, the author of this blog, and one of the co-founders of Valentte. Thanks for taking the time to read about our journey.

We are small business based in Nantwich on an old dairy farm. We make affordable, luxurious home fragrance and natural skincare. It smells amazing, works like a treat and comes beautifully wrapped.

Would you like to try our range for free?

If you subscribe to our email newsletter, we will send you a voucher for a free candle. Saving you €20. The candles are 100% natural and scented with pure essential oils.

Choosing the perfect present can be hard, but it doesn’t have to break the bank!

Valentte make affordable, luxurious home fragrance and natural skincare. It smells amazing, works like a treat and comes beautifully wrapped.

10 thoughts on “Good Enough”

  1. Yes you message made sense. That explains me a lot. It’s that belief of not being good enough but unfortunately it bleeds into every aspect of my life. I think people feel I don’t want to bother with them because of the way I present myself. But its coming from that deep belief of not good enough,perfect enough or other. It’s work in progress
    It makes life hard. To combat it I become dismissive
    It’s life’s process. Great blog

  2. Hi Luke, you have just summed me up completely. I am totally the person you describe and it’s taken over work and family life. I know it annoys others but i cannot help myself, it could be something technical or as simple as a place mat not being put out within millimetres of where i think it should be. I think it’s got something to do with my upbringing, but i’m finding trying to leave “the place mat” out of symmetrical sync with everything else so hard to let it go i will find a way to move it. It’s demoralising but life goes on and i fight another day to break this terrible almost “illness”. Great blog keep up the great work.

    • Thanks, Lloyd, I know exactly what you mean and your example of the place-mat illustrates it perfectly. Justina and I used to fight like cats and dogs over the smallest detail in the business. It was a nightmare. A compromise was possible, it just took us a long time to find a mutual understanding for each others opinion.
      Best Wishes

      Luke x

  3. Hello Luke.
    First of all I’d like to say your candles are the best in town! I’ve enjoyed trying other products too such as the hand wash and body scrub. Thank you.
    I really enjoy reading your blogs as it’s so energising to hear folk speak from the heart and this piece on perfection resonates strongly.
    I’ve been wanting to launch a copywriting business for Wellness advocates for quite a while now using creative content to educate and build client relationships.
    At last I have made an appointment with a coach who will give me self confidence and accountability. Before even meeting her I have concentrated my mind on what I want.
    Love to all at Valentte

    • Hi Genni
      Thank you for your kind comment about the blog and our products. Good luck with your new copywriting venture. If I can help in any way don’t be afraid to ask. Best Wishes
      Luke x

  4. Thank you so much for my free samples I love them. I have bought from you for a few friends and will continue to do so in the future.

    You deserve to do well that was a very big promise to keep I really didn’t expect to receive anything.

    Congratulations on your achievements so far it is a beautiful product.

    • Hi Janet
      Thank you for your lovely comment and for shopping with us. The team and I appreciate it.
      Best Wishes
      Luke x

  5. Hi

    I have a screenshot of a sample I requested on 18th April.

    It reads your sample is on its way & delivery will be with you in 7-10 days.

    Unfortunately I didn’t receive anything at all.

    I look forward to hearing from you.

    Kind regards

    Nicola Durand


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