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Keeping It Simple

It’s been months since I last wrote this blog. It’s not easy to begin again, to pick up an old habit that I have neglected. My mind is filled with doubt, can I still write, do I have anything interesting to say. Maybe I won’t bother, watching Season 3 of The Handmaids Tale would be easier!

But here goes. I know I must feel brave and just begin. Surely the words will come, and inspiration will strike. It’s New Year’s Day, I’m near Ravenglass in the Lake District, and it’s a pretty grotty day. Low cloud hides the hills, and I’m alone in the caravan.

I don’t set New Years Resolutions, preferring to spend time on my own, usually in the mountains to gather my thoughts on the year that has finished and the year that is about to start. Sometimes I walk, sometimes I cycle, but most often I just sit and look out of the window.

My mind wanders, playing over events that have happened, dreaming about the future and what it might bring. I write a lot during this process. Not for others to read but to guide my thoughts. To help me learn from the past and give me the strength and belief to tackle the coming year.

This process takes time and isn’t something that can be completed through writing a thirty-minute list of New Years Resolutions. Nor is it something you can do while watching TV or playing with your phone.

Maybe you find being on your own hard, alone inside your head with your thoughts and fears. But it’s here that you will discover who you are. Put away the distractions, take time out from your friends and family and use this opportunity to think deeply about your life and your situation.

What events have brought you to this point? What would you like the next 12 months to look like? Reward yourself for the past year’s achievements. Your life is a journey, and you must mark the progress you have made. Feel the joy of this progress and know there is more to come next year.

Your dreams are in your hands. You can make them a reality in the coming year by being consistent. Keep things simple by creating small daily habits. Forget the big resolutions instead make a simple plan and stick to it. Do more of what has worked before and less of what didn’t.

Together, we climb the mountain, not in giant leaps but one small step at a time.

Hi, I'm Luke Bream, the author of this blog, and one of the co-founders of Valentte. Thanks for taking the time to read about our journey.

We are small business based in Nantwich on an old dairy farm. We make affordable, luxurious home fragrance and natural skincare. It smells amazing, works like a treat and comes beautifully wrapped.

Would you like to try our range for free?

If you subscribe to our email newsletter, we will send you a voucher for a free candle. Saving you €20. The candles are 100% natural and scented with pure essential oils.

Choosing the perfect present can be hard, but it doesn’t have to break the bank!

Valentte make affordable, luxurious home fragrance and natural skincare. It smells amazing, works like a treat and comes beautifully wrapped.

14 thoughts on “Keeping It Simple”

  1. I enjoyed reading your blog I feel it also applies to me as I have taken early retirement from my job of 30 years. Although I feel I have been on holiday for the last 2 weeks, which technically, I have, today is the reality of a new chapter. I know I hav e made the right decision but can’t help feeling a bit daunted. You may have inspired me to make a plan and look forward to 2020 and beyond. Thank you

  2. I thoroughly enjoy reading your blogs, they are interesting and inspirational. I hope 2020 is a great year for you and for Valentte.

  3. Morning Luke.
    So pleased you have got back to doing your blog again. Not too long but just enough words to get you thinking. So true, it is one thing planning ahead for 2020 but more important in our case to look at what has been good and what has not worked in 2019.
    (Especially when looking at rebooking shows for this year) and also at what we produce.
    Must do a lot more planning in this next week. If you fail to plan, you plan to fail. Plus life must be a happy medium of work and pleasure, for those of us who still have to work.
    Good luck for this year Luke and hope to see you along the way. Xx
    Tina , Little Timbers

  4. I love this blog, I look forward to the email arriving in my inbox.
    Your products are wonderful, we always have a candle burning in the evening, I cannot now pick a favourite because I love all that I have tried. The geranium room mist is coming on holiday with me to Goa. Your hand cream is coming on the plane with me
    Like me, I hope people see your blog and decide to try the products, so pleased that I did
    Keep up the good work, it is appreciated

  5. I am with you Luke. Keep it simple and take small steps. It always feels a dangerous time of year to set yourself goals and New Year resolutions. It is hard for some people to feel positive in the dark months of the year, to recognise what has been achieved in the previous year. If you are someone who finds winter difficult then save your goal setting for May when the sunshine reappears and the days are longer. Your positive attitude will return with the warm sunbeams.

  6. I really enjoy your blog and today’s was especially inspirational. And, yes, I have taken advantage of your sales. We have to budget carefully so it was good I could get a great birthday present for my sister in law in the pre Christmas sale. A lot of my Christmas shopping had been done through the year. And today a birthday present for my husband’s niece in the sale plus more for me. Well having been introduced to Valentte via a post on the imutual forum about how to get samples of your scents I am hooked. Cannot buy via imutual as the company is not on the list that I can get cashback from but I do not care as your products are so good.

  7. Happy New year to all. Thoroughly enjoy the blogs. Maybe in time gather the blogs and beautiful photographs to publish a book??
    I look forward to the dates of shows. Waddesdon Manor Christmas fair was good, but I missed Valentte

  8. First time that I have read your blog found it interesting ? look forward to reading your next one. Take care and stay safe

  9. Thank you once again for delivering my gift boxes . The fragrances are so fresh and bring such lovely scents into our home. Your swift delivery and beautiful packaging always a delight .


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