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I’m writing today’s blog post under a giant tepee at Tatton Park Flower Show; sadly it’s not as warm as previous days, but hopefully will be another good day. We smashed it yesterday with record sales, so a huge thank you to everyone who shopped with us.

The last twelve months have been an incredible journey as we bounced back from near failure to a very happy position of profitable shows and rapidly growing online sales. I feel incredibly grateful for the support I have received from fellow traders, show organisers and most importantly my team, through a challenging time.

I have written before about the steps we took to improve our fortunes, but today, I would like to explore the mindset that accompanied them. If you are experiencing tough and challenging times in your life, then I hope you will find some comfort and inspiration in what follows.

I know how lonely it feels when problems strike, as you look in the mirror and see tired eyes staring back, your mind racing with a million thoughts and fears about the future. It’s easy to forget that we choose our path in life. We have selected this route; we have set our own goals and imagined our dreams. But it is those same choices and dreams that have led us to this dark place.

Sure, life could be kinder, the route could be easier, the dream more attainable. But then it wouldn’t be your dream. It wouldn’t represent the pinnacle of your achievements. So, remember in the dark and lonely times that you have chosen to be here, and that hardship is part of the journey. How you handle the difficult times will define who you are and certainly how you will be remembered.

I know that you have the ability, the skill and the strength to climb your way out. It won’t be easy, nothing worth doing ever is. But it is possible, and you must believe that you can do it.

When I was fourteen, my mother gave me a card that pictured a set of footsteps walking though the sand, in some places there was one set and sometimes two sets of steps. The inscription said something along the lines of…

“The Lord God is always with us, so the man asked the Lord, why are there sometimes only one set of footprints? I thought you would always be with me?  Those periods were the hardest times in my life, and you left me alone, the Lord replied, my Son, those were the times that I carried you.”

I’m not a religious person, but I think of my friends, my fellow traders, my team and the show organisers and I know that it was them who carried me through the long dark times of 2018. It was they who gave me the support and strength to carry on and rebuild the business.

Today, I give thanks to them. Without their steadfast help and support, we wouldn’t be here now.

Together, we climb the mountain, not in giant leaps but one small step at a time.

Hi, I'm Luke Bream, the author of this blog, and one of the co-founders of Valentte. Thanks for taking the time to read about our journey.

We are small business based in Nantwich on an old dairy farm. We make affordable, luxurious home fragrance and natural skincare. It smells amazing, works like a treat and comes beautifully wrapped.

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Valentte make affordable, luxurious home fragrance and natural skincare. It smells amazing, works like a treat and comes beautifully wrapped.

10 thoughts on “Footsteps”

  1. I love reading your blogs but especially today’s, it’s really inspiring, I have always loved the poem ‘Footprints’ and I also am not religious. Thank you for sharing your stories. ?

    • Thank you for letting me know that it is the poem Footprints. I didn’t realise and have just reread it for the first time in many years. I find it just as powerful today as I did thirty years ago. Best Wishes

      Luke x

  2. I love reading your blogs but especially today’s, it’s really inspiring, I have always loved the poem ‘Footprints’ and I also am not religious. Thank you for sharing your stories. ?

  3. I really look forward to reading your blogs don’t know where you find the time but i love them. I look forward to seeing you at the Harrogate shows and you recognise me and have time to say hello even though you must speak to hundreds of people every day.
    Please keep the blogs coming

  4. I enjoyed ‘FOOTSTEPS’. Thank you for sharing. I like that you take time to provide these blogs which are inspiring and thought provoking

  5. I’ve just read your post “footsteps”& yes it is very meaningful.However today is a bad day for me as I didn’t choose this path I am on at the moment,after losing my husband I don’t know what path I’m on & feeling lost.

    • Hi Irene
      I’m so sorry to hear your news. I cannot imagine how you must be feeling. My thoughts and prayers are with you. Best wishes
      Luke xx

  6. Thank you for your blog. As someone who suffers with depression I feel your words give me a sense that other people have suffered but successfully made it out the other side. Thank you again

  7. I’m just an ordinary person trying to live my life the best I can. I read your blog every day. One step at a time is a good mantra to live by. I struggle sometimes with what life throws at me. Your words are an inspiration. Thank you.


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