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Be The Hero

I have been wrestling with a decision, tossing it over and over in my mind. Playing out the possible outcomes and I’m struggling to decide what to do. Have you felt this kind of indecision too? Are you facing a difficult choice with no obvious answer? Or a choice between two outcomes both of which look bad?

Perhaps you are thinking about moving house, changing jobs, starting a business, splitting up with your partner or letting someone down whom you love. Making important decisions is not easy. This morning listening to a motivational video on YouTube I heard the speaker say, “be the hero in your own movie!”

This idea struck a chord in me. I was a teenager in the mid-1980s and 1990s. My family used to sit together watching films on battered VHS videos recorded from the TV. We watched the same films over and over again. An Officer and a Gentleman, Top Gun, Dirty Dancing, Greece, Star Wars. We knew all the words and songs off by heart! I loved those films, and I loved those family gatherings.

I imagined myself flying the plane in Top Gun or climbing the assault course wall in an Officer and a Gentleman. Those early visions of hero’s, romance and manhood shaped much of what defines my character right to this day.

So, what does it mean to be the hero in your own movie?

I think the key is to ask yourself “what would the hero do in this situation”. How would they act and behave and overcome the challenge? Then, when you have answered the question go right ahead and do it.

Imagine yourself with their confidence and swagger, their enthusiasm and belief in themselves. Use their strength to overcome your own challenge and power forwards towards your goals. We only get one chance at life. Remember, we climb the mountain, not in giant leaps but one small step at a time.

Hi, I'm Luke Bream, the author of this blog, and one of the co-founders of Valentte. Thanks for taking the time to read about our journey.

We are small business based in Nantwich on an old dairy farm. We make affordable, luxurious home fragrance and natural skincare. It smells amazing, works like a treat and comes beautifully wrapped.

Would you like to try our range for free?

If you subscribe to our email newsletter, we will send you a voucher for a free candle. Saving you €20. The candles are 100% natural and scented with pure essential oils.

Choosing the perfect present can be hard, but it doesn’t have to break the bank!

Valentte make affordable, luxurious home fragrance and natural skincare. It smells amazing, works like a treat and comes beautifully wrapped.

19 thoughts on “Be The Hero”

  1. I loved reading this today, Luke! High five ? for being awesome! Love and peace to you

    P.s please can you bump me up the queue for the free sample? My diffuser has run out and I have one smelly dog ?

    Thanks!!! Namaste ?

  2. Hi Luke, thank you for your email regarding free samples. I would really appreciate it if we could jump up the list as our family all have a sickness bug and our house could do with a lovely new fragrance ? thank you again. Nothing makes the house more cosy than a lovely scented candle x

    • Hi Kathryn

      I hope everyone feels better soon. I share their discomfort. Last year I caught the same bug whilst sharing a caravan with a new employee and having to visit the loo every 15 minutes was certainly an interesting experience!!

      I have bumped you up the sample list.

      Best Wishes
      Luke x

  3. Hi Luke, Thank you for your email, you sound like a very busy active person, must be a nice little group that you’ve built up there. Is there a specific scent please that you know of that could help with an illness. I have fybromyalgia, I.B.S, depression, plantar fasciitis and borderline diabetes. I’m not bothered about being bumped up. Just want to know about the scent. Thank you

    • Hi Lorna

      Thanks for sharing your story. I’m sorry to hear that your health is not great at the moment. Over the last few years I have read and learnt a lot about plant-based diets and I think it has the greatest power to improve your health conditions. Although not specifically about food, I would strongly recommend you read or listen to the audiobook called “Finding Ultra – By Rich Roll”. Its a book about a top-ranked swimmer who descends into alcoholism and then rediscovers himself on the other side as a vegan endurance athlete. Apart from a very inspiring story, one of the big takeaways of this book is the incredible nature of plant-powered nutrition. I have read of cases where diabetes has been completely cleared through following this kind of plan.
      Back to scents, I have bumped you up our list of sample requests. So these will be with you soon.
      Best Wishes


  4. I’m sorry I forgot to add I also have an Understand active thyroid, which they say goes with the fybromyalgia. I just need something to help relax. Thank you

    • Hi Luke I was very interested to read all about your product as my husband suffers from many different illnesses and have read that using diffusers and things can help with things like anxiety and depression which are two of the many things wrong with my husband , was recently speaking to a friend of mine who has tried your products and highly recommended them to me . I look forward to receiving my free sample and ultimately purchasing further products . I wish you every success in the future and thank you for the very generous offer of the trials of your product.
      Thank you

      • Hi Norma

        I have bumped you up our list to receive the samples. Please say a big thank you to your friend who recommended our products. If you have any specific questions please get in touch directly, by phone or using the contact form on our website. Hope our range will provide a helping hand.

        Best Wishes

        Luke x

  5. Hi Luke, I have 3 cats 2 which are strays as you can imagine they have wet fur and at the moment with the bad weather it doesn’t smell the best,but when I have my diffuser on I can’t smell it.I also use it for my anxiety some oils are calming am very very low on oil and would be very grateful if you could bump me up to try yours please.Thank You

  6. Hi Luke, I too was a teenager in the 80’s, & watched/loved the same films as you, & your family. Thank you so much for sharing the “hero” strategy – I’ve recently started an online CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy) program, with my Counsellors’ support, called Silvercloud , & I shall now add the “hero” strategy, to my Silvercloud “journal”, “comments”, “toolkit”, & “share” it with my Counsellor.
    It’s already caught my imagination, & I think it will be a really helpful addition to my “DIY toolkit”, for dealing with life’s challenges.
    I’m trying hard to learn, & use, anything that can help me to help myself, & therefore, also help me care for my partner (whose illnesses have worse symptoms than mine)
    We are struggling to adjust to living with long term physical, & mental, health problems, that have recently worsened.
    So thank you for sharing your blog, it has been an inspiration to me, & I feel that it will definitely help me.
    I have recently become aware of your company, & your amazing organic products, due to the free sample offer – that obviously has gone slightly mad, to say the least!
    I’m very British, & really hate queue jumping, so I’m feeling terribly hypocritical, when I ask if you could “bump me”up the list, please? I really believe that aromatherapy can seriously help to change your mood, help with relaxation, & sleep problems – so we would be extremely grateful for the chance to try out your products, & discover if the scents in your range, would work for us..
    On that note, I discovered that you also have a lovely range of organic beauty products, that look amazing! I know this is very cheeky, but if it’s at all possible, I would also love any samples from your skincare range, particularly your scrubs & lotions, please?
    But, regardless of samples – I must thank you, again, for adding another “tool”, to my self help “toolbox” – Many Thanks, Luke, & Best Wishes to you, & your family.

    • HI Elaine
      Thank you for sharing your story and your very kind words about our blog and products. I can imagine how tough things are and hope that the CBT course proves successful.
      I believe in the power of the mind and I’m sure that you will find a way to channel it to your advantage.
      It’s not cheeky to ask to be bumped! I have added you to this weeks list to be posted.
      Best Wishes
      Luke x

  7. Hi Luke, I came across the Valentte stall at the Harrogate Flower Show last Thursday and was super happy to be offered a free sample of hand cream, which is just lovely. I intended to order some products from the website but saw your generous offer of free scent samples so will eagerly await their arrival! Your email explaining the delay is most appreciated but no need to bump me up the list, I just wanted to say how much I love what you’re doing and the ethos behind the company. I’ve also enjoyed reading your blogpost – the description of watching those films with your family brought back some fond memories. Best wishes to all the team x

    • Hi Yvonne
      Thank you for your lovely, kind message. The team and I appreciate it. I hope you enjoyed Harrogate Flower Show, it is a lovely event and I’m a great fan of the show. Whilst I know you said not to bump you up the sample list, I have taken the liberty of doing so! Your samples will be with you in the next week or so.
      Best Wishes
      Luke x

  8. Hi Luke
    It was good to find you again at Malvern RHS show last Saturday. After our last purchase of your wonderful diffusers we just had to top up again.
    Thank you for explaining about the hand cream to us and providing a replacement. I mentioned how enjoyable reading your blog is with interesting thoughts. I have ordered some samples to pass on to my friends.
    Good luck with your shows this year. Kind regards Helen & Andrew

  9. I had ordered the free samples – who would turn down that generous offer! But then when I read about your super company and your blog and how the products are made – I just decided to order the gift pack on offer as a birthday present and a room scent for myself. Look forward to trying out the samples for different scent. Look forward to getting my order.

  10. Hello Luke, I attended a show in London on Saturday and was given a little sample of the hand cream, so I am already convinced. I loved it. What I’m responding to is your blog about “goals” I am in a very disheartening situation at the moment trying to sell my property. I live alone so don’t have immediate support and backup, which is demotivating and a lonely place to be. I can really see the value in setting daily goals, so I’m going to give it a real try starting today, starting small, achieving in the moment which hopefully will lead to good results in the end.

  11. Hi Luke, it’s Patricia again. I meant to include that I don’t need any extra samples to be sent. I think I enthusiastically pressed too many submits when I was finding my way around your site.


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